Import Multiple sheet in same excel workbook - Mendix Excel Importer

Hi, I am searching for solution to import multiple excel sheets of the same excel workbook . As of now I can see at a time one excel template imports one sheet at a time.   I don't want to create multiple templates(because around 15 sheets are there) and call all templates to import excel workbook. Please help if you know any other alternate solution
2 answers

Are the templates all the same? Because then you could write a logic as follows:

- Retrieve Template (with sheet = 1)

- Run template on the excel file

- Changed template (sheet = 2)

- Run template on the excel file

- rinse and repeat, at the end set your template to sheet = 1


Hi Praveen,

read this article but you have to make all the templates then you can import all the excel sheet from single workbook with different different templates.
