Import AppStore module as Project module.

Dear All, I am using an appstore module for development purpose.  I am trying to export the module and reimport in my project but still, I could find that it is grouped under Appstoremodules folder inside the root Project folder. I am modifying certain implementation of the appstore module and I do not want it to be part of Appstore modules folder instead, add that as project module. Can someone throw some insight on this? Thank You.  
1 answers

The module you export and import will indeed be added to the appstore modules. You can off course give it another name.

But…why would you want to do this. The best  practice is to leave the appstore module as is, so you can update it to newer versions later. You  create your customizations in an extension module using as much as possible from the appstore module in a way that allows you to update the appstore module without loosing your functionality in the extension module.

You could always contribute to the development of the appstore module by providing feedback in the appstore or in some case by cocreting it via github.

