Adding objects and creating its associations using Excel Importer

Hi, I want to import a list of objects from an entity and associate them to existing objects from other entities using the Excel Importer Module. Is this possible? I have an existing object list of industries (attribute name). I have an existing object list of assets (attribute name). Now I want to add a object list of scores where each score belongs to a specific industry and asset. E.g: Score: 100, Industry name: auto, Asset name: portfolio1 Score: 80, Industry name: aero, Asset name: portfolio1 Score: 40, Industry name: auto, Asset name: porfolio2 In this case I’m creating 3 objects of Score and creating 3 associations to Industry and 3 associations to asset.   What are the settings I should be using in Excel Importer to create this list of objects and create the object’s associations? Many thanks.
1 answers

Hi Miguel,

Do check the following learning path, where everything is clearly explained.

