Claims of type array for JWT Module

I am trying to use the JWT-Module for creating a JSON web token. The token is needed for requiring an access token in MindSphere (Siemens).   This is an example for the needed payload: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ {   "iss": "d9341cbff41144abaf690b22e16b87d2",   "sub": "d9341cbff41144abaf690b22e16b87d2",   "aud": [     "southgate"   ],   "iat": 1532690970,   "nbf": 1532690970,   "exp": 1533295770,   "jti": "ed35d144e2742f93",   "schemas": [     "urn:siemens:mindsphere:v1"   ],   "ten": "connint1" } +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I could easily create a JWT object with this claims, but without the array types. Instead of the array types I just used string types (there is only one string in the array). When I use the generated token I get a response 400 with error “invalid_grant”.   I am not sure about this, but the missing arrays could be the reason?   I also tried to use Modul “JSON Web Tokens”. At the beginning it looked very promising, because the type array for claims is existing. But then I have run into big problems because of the used package “sun.misc” (I am using Mendix Studio Pro 8).   Is there a chance to create claims of type array in the JWT-Module?
2 answers

Hi Philipp,

Do you know the "Build a MindSphere app with Mendix" in the mendix academy 

There you get everything you need to start creating apps with Mendix for Mindsphere. 
No need to handle all the JWT stuff by your own.



Hi Philipp,

have a look here:

If I understand you correctly you need “ApplicationCredentials” to access MindSphere APIs from an application running outside of MindSphere.
