SAML module - SSOLandingPage constant doesnt appear to be working

Hello Folks, I’m working on a SAML implementation using OneLogin as an Idp.  I’ve been able to successfully setup the module and authenticate with it.  For testing I customized login.html with a button to direct to /SSO/.   I now want to remove the standard login page.  I’ve followed the documentation by creating an index3.html and placing the refresh meta tag in index.html.  I set the SSOLandingPage constant to index3.html.  The system just goes into an infinite loop between index.html and the Idp.   I’ve tried ‘/index3.html’, ‘index3.html’, index.html, /index3.html.  Nothing works.  To see if the constants (landing, login, logout) were working I even set them all to a dummy landing page with basically ‘hello world’ in an h1 tag and I can’t seem to get that to show up.  So where does the module pick up the constants and how can I ensure they’re used?  I tried ‘find usages’ on them but there are none in the modeler.  So I assume they are used in Java or I’m missing a setup piece. Thank you, Justin
2 answers

So this is from my memory, try:
- index.html redirects to /SSO/ (remove the other contents redirecting to login.html)
- rename login.html to admin.html (so you can always login locally with the login page)
- add copy of the originial index.html as index3.html, thus without the redirect
- set landingpage to /index3.html
I think Mendix automatically redirects to login.html if it still exists... (ps you gotta check if logging in with admin.html still works in this scenario).



Hi, did you manage to solve this infinite loop, how exactly please?
