saving data in database(Domain Model)

After fetching data from Datagrid 2, how to save that data in Database(Domain Model)?
2 answers

Hi Milind 


I'm not sure what you mean, could you perhaps give some extra context if the following answer does not fully suit your requirements? 

If you see the data in your data grid 2 there are two possibilities:

  • The data is already saved in your application (for example: a retrieve from database, XPath, or retrieve action in a microflow mostly means that the data is already saved)
    • If you change the objects, you should execute a commit action to save the data
  • The data is from an external source (for example: a list you get from an API is floating in memory)
    • If you want to save these objects in your Mendix database, you should execute a commit action to save the data
    • If you change the objects, you should do the same

More information about saving data can be found here:


Good luck!


Hi Juriaan,

I have explained issue in below link and added snapshot also, can you please explain properly?

