JavaScript Action SerializeObjectToJSON from NanoflowRESTClient not working for PWA Offline

Hello All,    For my PWA Offline profile I need to parse a JSON to mendix objects I am using the SerializeObjectToJSON action to achieve this however, it works on PWA, it works on Native, but it does not work on PWA Offline, does anyone know why this is the case? and perhaps can someone point out a possible to solution to parse my JSON back to a mendix object?   // This file was generated by Mendix Studio Pro. // // WARNING: Only the following code will be retained when actions are regenerated: // - the import list // - the code between BEGIN USER CODE and END USER CODE // - the code between BEGIN EXTRA CODE and END EXTRA CODE // Other code you write will be lost the next time you deploy the project. import "mx-global"; import { Big } from "big.js"; // BEGIN EXTRA CODE // END EXTRA CODE /** * Creates a JSON string from Mendix objects. It will use an implicit mapping that will follow all associations that have been set. * @param {MxObject} inputObj * @returns {Promise.<string>} */ export async function SerializeObjectToJSON(inputObj) { // BEGIN USER CODE var guid = inputObj.getGuid(); var processedRefs = [ ]; let mxObj = await retrieveObject(guid); let obj = await serializeMxObject(mxObj); return JSON.stringify(obj); async function serializeMxObject(mxObject) { console.debug("Serializing Mendix object " + mxObject.getGuid() + " (" + mxObject.getEntity() +")"); let attributes = mxObject.getAttributes(); let res = {}; for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { if (!mxObject.isObjectReference(attributes[i]) && !mxObject.isObjectReferenceSet(attributes[i])) { res[attributes[i]] = mxObject.get(attributes[i]); if (res[attributes[i]] != null) { if (mxObject.isNumeric(attributes[i])) { res[attributes[i]] = Number(res[attributes[i]].toString()); } else if (mxObject.isDate(attributes[i]) && res[attributes[i]] != "") { // use toISOString to conform to the export mapping at the Mendix Runtime's default format res[attributes[i]] = (new Date(res[attributes[i]])).toISOString(); } } } else { let refGuid = mxObject.get(attributes[i]); if (refGuid == null || refGuid == "" || processedRefs.includes(attributes[i])) { continue; // skip objects which have already been processed to avoid infinite loops } processedRefs.push(attributes[i]); let refObj = await retrieveObject(refGuid); let serializedObj = await serializeMxObject(refObj); let nonFQref = attributes[i].substring(attributes[i].indexOf('.') + 1); res[nonFQref] = serializedObj; } } let associations = getNotOwningAssociations(mxObject); for (let i = 0; i < associations.length; i++) { let ass = associations[i]; let nonFQref = ass.ref.substring(ass.ref.indexOf('.') + 1); if (processedRefs.includes(ass.ref)) { continue; } else { processedRefs.push(ass.ref); } let objs = await retrieveByPath(mxObject, ass); let serializedObjArr = []; for (let j = 0; j < objs.length; j++) { let serializedObj = await serializeMxObject(objs[j]); serializedObjArr.push(serializedObj); } res[nonFQref] = serializedObjArr; } return res; } function retrieveByPath(mxObject, association) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {{ guid: mxObject.getGuid(), path: association.ref, callback: function(objs) { resolve(objs); }, error: function(err) { console.error("Error while retrieving association " + association.ref + ": " + err, err); reject(err); } }); }); } function retrieveObject(guid) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {{ guid: guid, callback: function(obj) { resolve(obj); }, error: function(err) { console.error("Error while retrieving associated object.", err); reject(); } }) }); } // check if there're other entities having a reference to this object. function getNotOwningAssociations(mxObject) { let entities = Object.keys(mx.meta.getMap()); let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { let entity = mx.meta.getEntity(entities[i]); if (entity === mxObject.getEntity()) continue; let references = entity.getReferenceAttributes(); for (let j = 0; j < references.length; j++) { if (entity.isBidirectionalReference(references[j])) { continue; } if (entity.getSelectorEntity(references[j]) === mxObject.getEntity()) { result.push({ ref: references[j], parent: entity.getEntity(), child: mxObject.getEntity() }); } } } return result; } // END USER CODE }  
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