why I cant see my button

Dear Communities   I created an entity and generated the overview page, then I added a button to open the edit page, however I couldn't see the buttons(see the attached pictures in red circle areas) when I tested the running result. Why? Please help, thanks. Note: My Mendix version is 10.7.0     By the way, I don't understand why the record appeared two times on the test result as well.   Thank you.   Best regards Li Dong
1 answers

Hi. Dong lo


1.Please check security did you give a create delete access for role or not and check module role assign to app user roles, last any micro flow apply on buttons give access to that micro flow.

2.you placed grid2 on list view both are same entity that's why, it will shows twice you can use either grid 2 or list view, it will not shows duplicate data


I hope it will help you,


Thank you!

