Regarding further training on mendix

Greetings of the day, My name is Dharmesh Chavda.  I have just joined self-based training on mendix academy and completed course of "become a rapid developer", Now i would like to move further on intermediate  developer training, but there is no specific tasks given that from here you have to start for go through it like rapid developer course. So please suggest me how can i start my learning phase of intermediate developer training and if it is possible then also please provide some technical resources like some practical lectures etc. please provide me a proper roadmap to become a intermediate developer. Thank you for response me in an advance.
2 answers

Hi Dharmesh,


in addition to become rapid developer, I can still recommend you Crash Course (Mendix Academy - Crash Course), Crash Course is very similar to Become Rapid Developer, but is more technical, and then take the Rapid Developer Exam (Mendix Academy - Rapid Developer Certification).


Once obtained Rapid Dev Cert, I recommend going through all 6 paths I've given you below, they are essential for passing the Intermediate exam,


but don't stop at just them. Also take advantage of the other courses, which you will certainly find useful when building your application.


Best regards,



Hi Dharmesh Chavda


Before move further on intermediate  developer training you must complete Rapid certification so open below link you will get more information


I hope it will be help you,


Thank you!
