email setup

Dear Community   I add email connector to my new App to test the functionality, however I got an error. I followed the document, installed modules: error information as below when I follow the email setup steps: what shall I do, please help, thank you. Note: Mendix pro verion 10.8.0   Best regards Li Dong
2 answers

Hi, Dong LI


In first tab email account,  please check Your  valuable email account and password or not. please give working gmail account.


Please refer below link :




I hope it will help you.

Thank you! 


Hi, Ravi Kumar

Thank you for your help tips.

Actually I have input my name and email address and password, I got the blow errorimage.png

I don't have gmail, I just gave my working email.

How to active basic authentication, please help.


Best regards

Li Dong
