Please note that on the system user entity there is default constraint applied to edit only your own user.
You may go to app security and double click on the user role which should have access to all or specific system users and in the User management section check the proper roles which you want to manage.
It is important to be sure that the specific user role could have access to other users.
Hi Dong Li,
Mendix already provides Out of box pages for you to create and manage accounts.
Account_Overview in the administration module.
You can add it in the navigations and access the pages to manage account and create local account.
Hope it helps!!
Thank you for your tips, I am creating new account exactly in Account_Overview in the administration module, however, I can't change the information which I mentioned in above pictures, I think I didn't setup role rights correctly to do it, and i can't find where is the problem, that is why I am asking.
Best regards