unable to call microflow on click event of Custom web wiget

in my custom pluggable widget i have added   <property key="buttonAction" type="action">     <caption>On click</caption>     <description>Action to be performed when button is clicked</description> </property>   in xml in mendix       I have added microflow to call in click,   but it is not getting called   What should I do to make microflow call on click?   I am using Jsx file in component 
2 answers

I have followed the instructions from link Build a Pluggable Web Widget: Part 1 | Mendix Documentation for onChange event and it is working fine.


export interface TextInputProps { value: string; className?: string; style?: CSSProperties; tabIndex?: number; onChange?: (value: string) => void; } export function TextInput({ value, onChange, tabIndex, style, className }: TextInputProps): ReactElement { return ( <input type="text" value={value} onChange={event => { onChange?.(event.target.value); }} className={"form-control " + className} style={style} tabIndex={tabIndex} /> ); }



please help me from onClick event too

