Creating new branch: error about directory existing when loading

Any time I create a new branch from Studio Pro, I'll select the main line and revision, I'll give the branch a new name and then I'm asked if I want to close the current branch and load the new branch. When I select yes, I'm asked here I want to save the new branch.   I enter a folder (very short path) and when it tries to load I get an error that it can't load because the folder already exists.   LibGit2Sharp.NameConflictException: 'C:/Users/[myusername]/Documents/Mendix/[branchname]' exists and is not an empty directory   Well DUH it exists. I don't get why Mendix can't complete a simple task like asking me where I want my branch and just putting it there. I'll even manually create a new folder, and when I check out the branch, I'll select my manually created folder as the location, and I SILL get the same error.    This is driving me crazy. This is the most basic task that studio pro can perform and it can't even handle that. 
1 answers

Seems to be a bug as this should work normally as you describe. I suggest filing a ticket with mendix support for this.

Does the same thing happen when yoou choose to not download and openthe branch, but open the branch later on? (just curious)
