Hey Kalyan,
Since you are using page url and that too with parameters, you need to make sure id passed within the url needs to be valid always.
Now in particular whenever you receive this error, you can refer to console immediately and there it will tell you in detail about the error or logs if app is deployed on cloud.
Also what I understand is if you randomly switch pages, I believe if you are doing this very quickly then it might be possible that the page components are not loaded fully and in the meantime you performed another action, and since that previous action was running and some context object is not found hence it throwed an error.
Overall, there can be multiple factors associated to this, it depends on how you have modelled the objects for the page, how the page itself is designed (Does it uses Nested data containers, does it have tab containers).....
I hope this answer helps.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Kalyan,
Please find similar communication regarding same maybe it's useful give you some idea,
Hope it helps!
Thanks & Regards,
Manikandan K