Is there any best practise for generating overview pages

I usually used to generate overview pages by right clicking the entity , is there any possible ways to generate overview pages without this method ?
2 answers

Yoou can create the pages manually but there is no other option that I'm aware of that perfroms the automation of page creation like the right click on the entity.


Hi Kishor,


As Erwin replied there is no option yet for automation of page creation but few little steps as below would saves your time,

1. Create a page from scratch first time , from next time just duplicate it and adjust few areas respected to that page.

2. Pay attention to change page names, titles and headers specific to page.

3. This approach only works if you need similar style and data to be displayed in the pages.

Hope you already aware this and this is not limited to pages can also for microflows, nanoflows or more...

Happy coding

