Hello Mendixers
I Would love to share with you my new accomplishment.
I have developed many tools using the power of typescript and Mendix SDK together and I’m proud to introduce my first accomplishment.
Erase the warning code CW094:
This warning is related to activities that retrieve data or create variables or even parameter’s objects but none of those have been used in the microflow and had forgotten there.
The new tool erase seamlessly this warning by tracking all and each microflow and some of what it can is:
1-delete all activities that are retrieving data and never been used.
2-delete all activities that are creating variables and never been used.
3- delete all parameters objects that never been used.4-track all activities in loops and nested loop also.
4-disable return value for sub microflow that never been used.
to see a full tutorial please follow me on medium
here's the full article link