This is just a curiosity which may interest some people.
There have been a number of questions in the past about the difference between a string which has the value empty (null or undefined) and a zero length string '' in microflows.
When validating for an empty string in microflows it is normal to use the check (1)
if $String = empty or $String = ''
This is commonly used - although there are other ways of achieving this check.
Conversely we might have (2)
if $String != empty and $String != ''
Sometimes a developer error results in (3)
if $String != empty or $String != ''
In a microflow (3) will always evaluate to true because the string cannot be both empty and ''.
However, I have found, by chance, that in a nanoflow, (3) works as the developer intended, regardless of the mistake. It would seem that in a nanoflow empty and '' are equivalent.
In principle therefore we don't need the two-part check in a nanoflow, although I would rather keep consistency between nanoflows and microflows.
I wonder if there are any other consequences.