Microflow window panning - Mendix Forum

Microflow window panning



I couldn’t find any suggestions regarding panning in the Microwflow window, so I wanted to venture my own idea. In the desktop modeler right now, we use the scroll bars to pan the window up/down and right/left when making a Microflow. It would be nice if we could right click, hold, and move the mouse to pan around the window.

The game engine called Unreal implemented this feature rather well. When making a Blueprint (visual scripting, similar to Microflows), you can right click, hold, and move the mouse to pan around the window. I think this would be a lovely feature in Mendix.


2 answers

Oh wow! I had no idea it was already implemented. Thank you so much!


Edit: I’m going to not delete this question in case anyone Googles for it in the future.


This is available under middle mouse button.

Also, if you want to just scroll through your microflow horizontally you can hold shift while scrolling with your mousewheel. I personally use that quite a bit.
