Ability to pass a fixed variable/constant to a microflow from a page element - Mendix Forum

Ability to pass a fixed variable/constant to a microflow from a page element


When configuring the call microflow action from a button I’ve discovered that I can’t pass a parameter to the microflow, even though it’s been configured to accept one. I think it would enhance page and microflow capabilities if we could create parameters (of any type) in page elements and pass them to microflows. 

My specific scenario:

I have a page with 9 text elements that all need to call the same microflow. The MF has to something slightly different for each execution, depending on which text element called it. The majority of the MF’s activities are identical for each text element. The MF has been created to accept an enumuration which will control it’s behaviour. Each text element should be able to pass an enumeration  (specific to itself, e.g. text1, text2 etc) to the MF as part of the execution action.

The workaround is to create 9 new MFs which each create and set the specific enum and pass it to the original MF. The problem is that now I have 10 MFs to maintain rather than just one.

1 answers

The workaround is the only way currently. There is this long awaited idea describing the same problem: https://forum.mendix.com/link/ideas/100

Please upvote it.
