Easily Distinguishable Names and Selectable Lines Method Coming Out of Enumeration Decision - Mendix Forum

Easily Distinguishable Names and Selectable Lines Method Coming Out of Enumeration Decision


It would be a very helpful, time-saving feature, if there was some way for me to see and easily select the different lines coming out of an enumeration type decision if many of the lines have to go to the same place. As it is now, I have to mess with the curve-adjusters so I can see all the names and lines (so they don’t overlap).

Please see https://imgur.com/a/6mrrSGm

Perhaps there can be a “bundle selection” if lines go to the same object from the same object? It could have a number over the line, indicating how many lines are in that bundle, and names of the different enumerations could be displayed in a way so they don’t overlap and so they are all fully visible.

1 answers


Check out https://forum.mendix.com/link/ideas/332.
