Option to set Microflow/Nanoflow parameters to empty, if called from Page - Mendix Forum

Option to set Microflow/Nanoflow parameters to empty, if called from Page


Hello Mendix RnD, 

In my case, I have a DataSource Microflow, which creates a NPE. The DatasourceMF has two parameters, a PE and a List of PEs.
The NPE is created based on information of the PE and the list of PEs is associated to the NPE. 

In another context on a page, I want to reuse this DS-MF, but I do not want to set the association to the List of PEs. 
So I have to create a second DS-MF, where the only difference is the List of PEs (or calling the original DS-MF with the parameter set to empty) 

It would be great, if I would not have to create a separate DS Microflow, but could instead setting the parameter to empty in the Microflow Parameters Option on the Button/Dataview.


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