Make it possible to pass primitive-typed arguments to a data source microflow - Mendix Forum

Make it possible to pass primitive-typed arguments to a data source microflow


Currently it is not possible to use parameters of a primitive type for a data source microflow and fill those parameters then in the “Microflow Settings” dialogue. The proposed workaround, namely to create a wrapper microflow that calls the “actual” microflow with the desired argument, leads to a lot of code duplication as for each distinct value that needs to be passed to the datasource microflow somewhere another wrapper microflow is needed that is virtually identical (except for the passed value) to all the other wrapper microflows serving the same purpose.  

It would facilitate code reusability a lot if the “Microflow Settings” dialogue would be enhanced so that arguments for primitive-typed parameters could be provided explicitly (just by typing in the literals and without the need to have them available as attributes of the context object(s)) 


This is related to the following requests asking for basically the same feature for microflow calls triggered by buttons


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