It should be possible to bypass event handlers on delete of objects as well - Mendix Forum

It should be possible to bypass event handlers on delete of objects as well


On delete of object(s) there should be an option to bypass the event handlers as there is on create and commit. 

When writing maintenance scripts there is no way to bypass the delete event handlers. So for each deleted object the before and after delete event handlers will be executed. This might be good from a data consistency perspective. But it is taking additional time, especially if a lot of delete event handlers are defined or an entire list of objects is deleted. I would like to be in control myself, so when executing a maintenance script I'm not loosing valuable time. 

8 years ago there already has been a question for this:

2 answers

Thanks for the suggestion! But I still think it should be standard functionality.


It would be nice if this was standard functionality. Maybe till then you can use the java action ‘Delete objects without events’ from the AppStore Module ‘ObjectHandling’ if you haven't already.
