How to add Fiscal Year dropdown? - Mendix Forum

How to add Fiscal Year dropdown?


Dear community,

I would like to know how to add a FiscalYear in dropdown. Through a drop-down list, the user can choose the Fiscal year in the dropdown.


Thanks In advance !

8 answers

Not all yes. let's say 4-5 fiscal years in the past but how Mendix will differentiate it from calendar year i.e. from 1st October to 30th September and not 1st January to 31st December. Should I configure this logic in microflow if yes then how?


All the values of the fiscal years? That’s an infinitely long list, right? You can add all the relevant fiscal years in the overview pages.


what I wanted to show is that when I click on the dropdown , It should already have all the values of the fiscal years . So Is there any counting parameter for these fiscal year selections? 


To allow users fill the dropdown list you need overview pages:


and how to add fiscal years in drop-down list like 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2020?


This is where it’s described:

In the example there they select a Company for an Employee. In the same way you can select a FiscalYear for your entity.


sorry but can you elaborate that?


Yes, you do that by creating a FiscalYear entity and associating it to your entity.
