Quite often we use (sub) microflows with multiple input parameters to standardize the creation of certain objects. In larger projects these flows can be used by many other flows. When adding a parameter to such a sub flow, we have to adjust every calling microflow activity
It would be nice if it would be possible to add a default ‘empty’ value to a parameter when adding it to a microflow or nanoflow, which would update all the call microflow/nanoflow activities with an ‘empty’ value for the new parameter.
It's an interesting idea. Sometimes it is really annoying. How would you solve the Problem, that you would not get any error anymore. You will maybe forget to adjust old calls of the mic where this new parameter would be necessary too.
This idea has been floating around for a while: https://forum.mendix.com/link/space/microflows/ideas/543
Doesn’t seem as though it has gotten any traction within the development team though.
I’m all for it, it would really help to reduce duplicated microflow content!