Feature Request - Spacebar Panning in Domain Model and Microflow Sections - Mendix Forum

Feature Request - Spacebar Panning in Domain Model and Microflow Sections


I'd like to propose a small yet impactful feature.

How about integrating the spacebar panning (moving the environnement with mouse clic while the spacebar is pushed) functionality in the Domain Model and Microflow sections? This would significantly improve the navigation experience, making it more intuitive and efficient for users working extensively in these areas.

The spacebar panning feature has proven to be a game-changer in other apps, and extending its usability to these crucial domains would undoubtedly enhance the overall user workflow.


3 answers

when working on laptop only, so without a mouse, there is no possibility to pan. So the spacebar panning would definitly be a gamechanger. ( or any other way to pan, other than the mouse wheel press.)


Found out, thanks for the tips !


I would love this way more but in case you dont know: The functionality is already there with pressing and holding the mouse wheel instead of space bar.
