It would be great to have the possibility to use shortcuts while working in a Microflow/Nanoflow. For example adding a Create New Object Action or Change Object Action by using shortcuts.
Either way I'd like to have a "Keyboard shortcuts" option available. Ctrl+Tab is great but I'd rather have it cycle through the open ones going left or right rather than which ones were open previously.
- Cycle languages (Ctrl + L ?)
- Show history (Ctrl+H ?)
- Update
- Commit
Would be nice if we could add custom keyboard shortcuts to our configuration, even better if we can also import/export them between different modelers.
Good idea to add shortcuts for adding actions in microflows. I would like to use 1, 2, 3, etc. for action activity, split, change object, commit object, etc. It would be even better if I could assign microflow actions myself to numbers.
Like selecting items from inventory in a computer game ;)