Access a specialized object as variable from the generalized object in microflow

Hi All, Can I access the value (as a object output variable) of a specialized entity from the object of the generalized entity in a microflow? The below pictures of domain model and microflow will help you understand my problem:   I am trying to access the value $BOMParentName from Parent object in microflow. Is that possible?
3 answers

Did you try an ‘Inheritance Split’ on the generalized object and next to that a ‘Cast’ activity yet?


Yes Ivo’s recommendation is correct. You should use an inheritance split on your Parent object, and then on the outgoing flow “BOMParentName”, include a Cast activity to “BOMParentName”


“I am trying to access the value $BOMParentName from Parent object in microflow. Is that possible?”

No, that is not possible because object Parent does not have any relation to the object $BOMParentName. The microflow arrows go from right to left, you first create object BOMParentName and then object Parent. This result in 3 objects, the first creation (of BOMParentName) results in an object in entity BOMParentName and one in entity Parent. These two objects have the same MxId. Check this out in your database. The second creation activity (of Parent) result in a third object in entity Parent, having another, different, MxId. It has neither a specialization nore an association to BOMParentName, so you won’t be able to retrieve it.

So that is why Ivo suggests to first cast object parent to a specialization. To create what is not yet there.
