Microflow between Inventory and purchase order

I would like to change the status of a purchase (import) when I change the amount (trigger by change mf) in my inventory.  they are not related to eachother directly and are not in the same entity. ​the status of the purchase is an enumeration. the amount in my inv is a integer. What are my options to solve this?
1 answers

There must be some relationship between the 2 entities, for example an attribute that you can use to search for the purchase based on something like a productid. Then yoou can retrieve this information with a icroflow via a retrieve from database actiion with an xpath like [$attribute_ofpurchase = $inventory/attribute_ofInventory]

Once you have the purchase you can change this by means of other activities in a microflow.

Adding an association wouold be a easier proces to implement this feature.
