Doubt in settings properties for an overview page in my app

Hi, I was doing as per the crash course section 7.5.1. And stuck on a point where we have to get the properties menu for Employee_NewEdit page. Screenshot attached, Please suggest that how I can open this properties tab?  
2 answers

Hello Nisha, 

The properties view is available in Mendix Studio Pro, on the right side of the modeler usually and it populates once you click on an item with properties.

If you cannot see it, you can enable it via the top menu View>Properties:

Hope this helps



opening this for a page and not for an object on the page is a bit tricky sometimes. There are only a few pixels at the very edge of a page that actually select the underlying page and not the object on it. Try clicking one of those outer edge pixels and see what appears in the properties Tab. Or you could just double click said outer edge and edit the close action in the properties pop up.

