Set loader in microflow.

Hi guys, I am using a email to send a microflow which takes 3-4 seconds to execute, In that time I need a loading gif in UI . I need to start the loader at the start of the microflow and i’ll end it at the end of microflow. Note: I am not using a button to trigger microflow, so there will be no microflow settings where I can use block option, I need to start and stop the loader in microflow itself. Kindly find a way for me. Thanks in advance!  
2 answers

Hi Rishi,

Did you look at LoadingJS widget on app store? I personally didn't use it but maybe something useful for you or you may tweak the widget according to you needs. 


Hope this helps!


Do you trigger the Microflow with JavaScript? If so, then check the Mendix Client API. A setting is to add a modal progress bar during execution of the microflow
