Disapproved products not included to the stock

How should I structure the microflow when the disapproved products should not be included to the stock
2 answers

Hi Olga,

Please can you add more details and context to your question? If I understood it correctly you want to retrieve all the products except the disapproved ones. I assume you have a status enum attribute where disapproved is one of the option? If yes, then in the microflow, add a retrieve action and set the XPath something like [Status != StatusEnum.’Disapproved’]. This will return all the products except disapproved ones.


Hope this helps!


Hi Olga,

can you please provide some more information? There might be several options to do it. If you have a boolean attribute ‘disapproved’ in your stock item entity you could use a list filter action and filter for disapproved = false. But this is a wild guess, your model might require something completely different
