Microflow Progress Indicator

I have a microflow that pulls in multiple files and uses a loop to process them. We wanted a way to display information on the progress of the processing. Stuff like which file is currently being processed and progress like “x of y files processed”.   I built a transient helper entity and utilized a data view to create and pass the helper into the process microflow. Now, I figured if I changed the object in the microflow and checked “Yes refresh in client”, the client would live update during the loop.   I have since realized that clients only update upon completion of the microflow. I was wondering what the pattern or method is for showing the user that the microflow is working.
3 answers

Have you checked out this widget: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/2389/

If this does not meet the requirements you can also use the microflow timer widget(https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/27/) to set a timer on your helper entity dataview in order to refresh the entity with a given interval. In addition it is possible you would have to chop up the process microflow in different transaction in order for you to show the information you want.


Another option is to split your job into multiple smaller jobs and let them execute in the Process Queue. https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/393/

Now, all your subjobs run in dedicated transactions. On a page you can use microflow timer or a self refreshing template grid to show the updated information from your progress helper object.


You could split the process in smaller atomic steps and queue them, maybe with the process queue from the App Store. Each of the processes are own closed Mx transactions. So thta means, after your process is done, it will committ to the database and the data is available outside of the context of the Mx transactin. With a wrapper object you could track the processes.
