Unable to Update attribute value Using Scheduled Event

HI Team, i am trying to update attribute value in one of the entity using Scheduled Event , i have tried to update using Administrator role to both Flows and Entity, but no use the attribute value is not updating .   Please help on this , i have tried this on local and cloud also but no use.  
4 answers

Normaly you only need to create a microflow and create a schedule event to which trigger this microflow. Have you set a committ event in the microflow for the object you udapte. It could be helpful to add a button in your developer area of the app to trigger the microfow on demand and to debug.

Please keep in mind: Localy you need to swtich the Scheduled event to on that it will run. If you have a lincenced node, you need to set up the scheduledby swithcing it manualy ON, by deploying the app or on changing the settings of the node and then restart. In case that you use a free node, as far as I know, scheduled events aren’t working there.


A bit of a guess, but could this be the case:

You log in an see the value of the attribute. The value is x.

The scheduled event runs and commits value y, but does not refresh.

In the logged in session you may still see value x, until you force a retrieve from database.


Hi Rajesh, please check your log file to see if there are any autocommited objects at the end of the microflow which prevent the SE from finishing. Your log will tell you that the scheduled event could not be executed because of these. Perhaps there are new object made in your microflows which are not explicitly committed?


What I see in the microflow is that you refresh your project object but do not commit it. Hence it is not written to the database.




What I see in the screenshot of the microflow in the right corner of the Project change action I only see the refresh icon but not the commit icon.

In this screenshot you see the green commit arrow up and the resfresh icon.
