Datagrid - generate PDF report

Hi, I would like to generate a PDF report out of a selection of data inside a Datagrid.  I’m aware to generate a report of a Dataview, however I struggle to get it out of the Datagrid. With the button Report I would like to start the MF for the PDF generation, but I didn’t get the appropriate  MF setting. Is this the right way to generate such an report? How can I manage this? I’m looking forward to get some assistance. Best regards Bernhard    
4 answers

The available parameters for the microflow depend on the selection mode for the template/data grid. To pass multiple objects as a list the selection mode should be Multi-selection or Simple multi-selection



In the microflow, you’ll have a list of objects.  Create a document template with a datagrid in it.  When you use the document template in a microflow, you’ll be able to pass in the list of objects.

For more information, this documentation is a good place to start:

Hope that helps,



If I have this document template with a datagrid in it


I can use that template to generate a PDF document like this:


I have highlighted the list of objects that is passed into the microflow, and how to pass that list of objects into the document template in the Generate document action


Hi Mike,
Thank you for your support. I read the Mendix documents carefully and invested all day to solve the problem - unfortunately without success.
For the Microflow I have a data list from an entity (I call A) as input, for A I have a DocEntity (System.FileDocument) (I call B). To generate the PDF document I need a copy of the data list from A to B. And that is exactly the point where I have no solution.
Do I have to create a custom activity or how can it copy the data from A to B in a microflow? What did I miss ???
The generation of a data view PDF document works, only the data grid (data list) drives me to despair!
I'm grateful for any help.

Best regards,



Hi Mike,
Thank you very much - I wouldn't have thought of that!

I deleted the Entity System.FileDocument in the Domain Model, right?

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work yet ... I get a runtime error - is the microflow correct?

But it will be ... in the end!

Best wishes,


