Show message does not show

Hi all, I have a MF which acts a bit strange. At the end of the MF I have a show message which does not show. When I debug it, it looks normal.  Another issue with this MF is dat when I use the ‘Show progress bar’ and option ‘Blocking’, the progess bar stays on the screen while the MF has ended. I have tried Asynchronous, with the same result. Does anybody understand what is going on and how I can fix this? Thanks, Frank   MF1: MF 2 ActionsForKeuringDetails:
3 answers

Hanging progress bars and not loading or showing pages usually have to something to do with access rights is my experience. Does the user have the appropriate read right on attributes shown on the page, for instance the oracle projectnummer.


How long does the microflow take to execute?  I have found that long running microflows sometimes exhibit the behaviors you describe.


On top of the answers here, you may want to check to make sure you aren’t infinitely looping anywhere given a certain set of data. I’ve experienced similar symptoms, but only when conditions were just right. Good luck!
