Can you please provide example how to use Microflow timer?

While adding Microflow timer it is giving an error as Microflow timer should return Boolean? I wanted that below microflow should run or refresh after specified interval of time.   While running Microflow Timer I am facing below issue. I am trying to set Microflow timer for the microflow which calls another Microflow. But facing issue. Please suggest
5 answers

Hi snehal,

Try scheduled event(Specify the date and time) and call your microflow if you are calling an RESTAPI which returns an object.




In your microflow just set the returntype to Boolean and in the endpoint let the return value always be true as workaround. The widget always expect a boolean even though your microflow not always need that.






Whatever the microflow you configured in Microflow timer widget, it should always return a boolean value (true), incase if it returns false, it will not execute.


You get into a microflow with your ‘Input’ parameter

Then you do an API call

then you do a change object action on your ‘Input’ parameter, and do a refresh in client on that ‘Input’ object

This will refresh the object in the browser with the new values

Your microflow should return true


To configure the microflow timer here is an example:


Hi Snehal,

You must really think about alternatives. Based on the above discussions I understood, you want to make a REST call after a given time period recursively.

This is possible only two ways:

  1. Scheduled event: You cannot pass arguments to SE. So, you must see how you can do this, with out parameters. Try to retrieve the Input entity from DB and Pass it on to REST call. I dont think even with returning an object would allow you to achieve what you do.
  2. Microflow timer widget: I am really not sure, if this is the right approach for recursively calling a MF. But skipping those arguments, if you really want to use the timer widget you cannot return object. 


Recursive calling and returning object for further processing, does not work in both options. So, I see that you must change your logic. You must do all the processing what ever you would do with Summary entity within the same MF as you make the REST call. If you think it is duplicate logic, then you must handle this with SUB MF.
