How to increase the value of an attribute

Hi all, I created an attribute within an entity and everytime i click a button (which triggers a microflow) the attribute should be increased by 1. The attribute is an integer so arithmetic expressions shouldn’t be a problem. My question: how do I change the value of my attribute? In the image shown below you can see my attribute “Schritt” wihtin the entity “Montageanleitung”. I tried some simple expressions (that’s what i thought) like “$Schritte/Montageauftrag = $Schritte/Montageauftrag +1” as you can use in other programming languages. Obviously they did not work. I tried to work with variables as an alternative but then I am facing the same problem. Many thanks in advance for your suggestions! Regards, Lukas
2 answers

In your microflow you need to use a “Change object” action. In there select the Member “Schritt” of $Montagueftrag and set the value to 

$Montageauftrag/Schritt +1

You will need to decide if you want to commit this or not as part of the Change Object action.


Looks like arithmetic operations aren’t supported in Studio. I recommend you open the project in Studio Pro. The expression suggested by Robert is supported there.
