Base64 Decode To File pdf but error

Hi all   I’m trying to decode a blob to a pdf (The blob is correct, it works in an online decoder) using the Base64 Decode To File java action in ce CommunityCommons. However it gives me an error at the download: An error occurred while executing an action of DossierModule.Dashboard_Doctor_Overview.actionButton3: Did not expect an argument to be undefined Error: An error occurred while executing an action of DossierModule.Dashboard_Doctor_Overview.actionButton3: Did not expect an argument to be undefined   Any idea why?  
5 answers

So apparently I chose my entity/object poorly.

I had no creation rights because I was using the System/FileDocument while I should have taken the Document entity in my own module (where the rights where good…..) using a generalisation of the system entity.

So yeah. Thanks :)


Hi Ronald, yes, I saw an other post giving the advice and tried with this (


But it seems so pretty obvious that I think I’m doing something wrong here :(


the blob variable


Something wrong with Base64DecodeToFile of community commons. I also have problems decoding Base64 in 8.6.6


Hi guys, 


I have a problem this Base64 decode to file. When it passes the bytes to perform the decode, it breaks showing this following error.


com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: The secret key required to complete authentication could not be found. The region must be specified if this is not the home region for the tenancy. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: SignatureDoesNotMatch; Request ID: null; S3 Extended Request ID: null; Proxy: null), S3 Extended Request ID: null    at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManager.executeSync(ActionManager.scala:110)


I'm using the file Document entity inherited from the system in my module, however locally it works and in the OCI environment it breaks with this error.


have anyone to know how to resolverded this problem?
