PDF download link

Hi, I’m trying to add one link to download pdf in Native app using https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/download-file .Used this download file activity in microflow. just read, it is not supported in native app[This action is ignored and does not work when a microflow is called from an offline, native, or hybrid app.]  could anyone  please let me know ,any other way to download pdf file[File entity is created ] 
1 answers

You need to be a bit more specific why it is not working. Some common mistakes: working with filedocument directly instead with an inheritence object.

Did you create a document template to create the PDF? Try otherwise to set a breakpoint and double check that the inherited filedocument has the hascontents boolean set on true. Otherwise the document is empty.




For mobile this indeed does not work. But there is a widget in the appstore for that: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/114252/ITvisors/Native-file-documents But indeed this should be not made so difficult in Mendix.

