Hi, We have implemented the Single sign-on in our application with SAML20 app store plugin and works fine. We have both local login(only for developers) as well single sign on for customers. Problem: When the user logged into application using single sign-on and when I leave the application for 1 hour ideal and then when I access any page, it get redirect to login page of local user i.e login page used for login by developer. Please find the details below, how we integrated the SSO in my app,(Works Fine) When user access the app let say www.sample.com app, it loads the index.html where we internal redirect to one login application login page. User enter the username and password and then the user will get redirect to www.sample.com/index3.html home page. When user logout, the application will redirect back once again to one login application.(user get logout and then redirected to one login application using URL redirect app module). For local user:(developers) (Works Fine) When user access the app let say www.sample.com/index3.html app, we will show login page. User enter the username and password and then the user will get redirect to www.sample.com/index3.html home page. When user logout, the application will redirect back once again to www.sample.com/index3.html login application. The Problem: When user access the app let say www.sample.com app, it loads the index.html where we internal redirect to one login application login page. User enter the username and password and then the user will get redirect to www.sample.com/index3.html home page. Now I leave the app ideal for 1 hour and now I try to access any page, session get expired and it redirect to local user login page instead of one login application login page. Question: How to handle this scenario when the session get expired automatically which should redirect to one login page automatically instead of local user login page? Please help me on the same.