Decrease or manually set space between activities in microflows

In my top-3 wished features Mendix should release honestly stands the option to manually configure the width of space between activities automatically set in Mendix Studio Pro. I prefer compact microflows, rather than spacious, so I can read the function quicker and use screen estate more efficient.  With the introduction of the auto-assist, of which I really doubt any advanced developer with 2y+ experience uses, the space has increased a lot and it requires me a lof of manually dragging activities to reduce space. Manually setting the space between would increase my workflow surprisingly a lot.
2 answers

Your wish is likely to be granted in the near feature. See

Btw. Let me take away your doubt: I love the assist and only want it to start doing more, much more for me. Mindreading would be even better. Censored, preferably. Voice control would rock. For now: the current version already often saves me several mouse clicks.



Hi Sander,

I agree with your point, its a good idea. Please can you add this as an idea and you will have my vote and many others who fell the same. If you add this as an idea than there is a good change Mendix will pick this up. 


