I would let the user decide when to update and keep an entity with the latest update time. You could use a datagrid for that with a dataview that listens to the grid. In the dataview have a button to update that specific data.
Other option would be to do a background update when opening the overview page and telling the user the data is being updated in the background. If you refresh your datagrid for instance each minute or so it will refresh the datagrid. You need to make sure though that that background job uses batches and do save those in seperate database transactions (community commons) so that the background job makes this data available when processed.
Hope this helps a bit.
Hi Ronald, (I’m using the submit answer pane so that I can insert an image)
This is my current setup:
Are you suggesting I replace the “version” list view with a data grid, or were you referring to the “summary” grid.
Currently, the list view displays the versions and calls the microflow on click. The microflow commits new summary data and has “refresh in client” set to “yes”. I was expecting that to update the datagrid since it has the summary entity as a data source.