Hi Amit,
I hope this helps you well.
Hi Amit,
Create a new page with Popup layout having Proceed and Cancel button.
Now, connect the new popup page to the activity connected to false flow.
In your microflow, extract the loop content in to the sub microflow.
Now, Call the sub microflow in to the Proceed button.
Then after decision, Your popup will be shown to the user if false flow is executed.
If True flow is executed, then your sub microflow will be executed.
Hi Stella,
Thanks for your reply.
In the Microflow I have a list of selected record from a list (NominationList) as paremeter, if I create a Popup layout having Proceed button and call loop content in Submicroflow I require this list (NominationList) to pass to the Popup page, but I can only pass a object on Popup page not list. Also I have two parameters in Microflow Nominationlist and Workflow and both I need to pass to Popup page, but I can pass only one object from microflow when I Open Popup from Microflow.
Below is the screenshot on TransferNomination button I am calling the Microflow which has list of items selected from grid as parameter that I need to pass on Popup page.
Amit Sharma
Create a helper object where you attach all the objects and list and show that helper object in the popup. Then after the decision you can retrieve all the objects again.
Could you please suggest how to create it and use that helper object in the popup.
Thanks & Regards,
Amit Sharma
Thank you very much Stella, you explained it perfectly. It help me a lot.
Thanks again for your help.
Amit Sharma