Updating datagrid from a search

i have a text box where i can type in any text and then on enter key i have a microflow which fetches data from external DB based on that text. Till this part everything is working but i want to populate another datagrid in a different section in the same page with data fetched from the microflow (mentioned above) which is called on enter key of the text box. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
2 answers


You can keep the entity which holds the textbox value as a helper object ( Have a create or retreive Microflow for this on page load )and create a 1-* association with the other entity. Update the association with the obtained list from the external database. Based on the records associated with the helper Object you can populate the data grid. 


Hi Kamal

Here is what i did according to your suggestion. Both the below entities are non-persistable entities

the search_string is the text box where i can type in text and it has microflow associated with on enter key event.

Below is my microflow where i am commiting the links but those links are not appearing in the data grid
