Issue in Calling a Microflow in Nanoflow

Hello Everyone, In my application I am calling a Microflow ( Which contains Multiple sub microflows ) from a Nanoflow and Return type of the microflow is Boolean.  I applied a Log files for Both Microflows and Nanoflows and I kept Error handler for Microflow some times even though the Microflow was working as expected when the flow coming out from Microflow to nanoflow i am getting error(System administrator error ) ,Same issue is not replicating in Local only issue we got in Acceptance that too inconsistency, I applied break point in Acceptance and check in Microflow there is no Stop I observed in Microflow . any one faced this Issue and Solutions for this will be appreciable. Thank you
1 answers

Hi Guru!

I had this problem earlier. When I set the "Call a microflow” button from Synchronous to Asynchronous, my error was fixed.

Good luck!

