Problem with String - Decode Base 64 string and store as FileDocument Contents

Hello, I’m running a demo app, which loads an image as base64 from a REST server and convert it to an ImageFileDoc object within a microflow in the following way: - download images as bas364 of a json object - create a ImageFileDoc object - String - Decode Base 64 string and store as FileDocument Contents of the base64 string into the ImageFileDoc object   This was running perfectly in the pase. I started the demo app in the cloud, I got an error at the step  “String - Decode Base 64 string and store as FileDocument Contents of the base64 string into the ImageFileDoc object” and the image was not shown. Running the same code locally within mendix studio, everything works as aspected. I was testing this also on 7.23.17 (not.16), same error. Is there a known issue? Best regards   Christian     - 
2 answers

I have a similar problem in Mendix 8. I'm receiving a file from a SOAP integration Base64 encoded. I'm decoding it with Decode64ToFile and many characters are not decoded correctly which ends up in corrupted files (pdfs for example have the right amount of pages, but they are all empty and excel files won't even open).

SOAP UI receives the files correctly.


I think we need to check from the database perspective if app is working fine in your local env.

App in Mendix cloud might use database different to that in your local. We normally use file based database (H2) in local env.

Can you try setting up postgres database in your local env and point your app to that and validate the functionality. If it works  then, we need to understand the file storage service of your cloud app.

Mendix under the hood uses S3 buckets  as file storage medium in AWS Cloud, and I am not sure it is part of free APP (If your app is free).

If your app is licenced the above file storage cause can be ignored.

Also, refer to Live logs in cloud for more information regarding the error
