Convert list of objects into list of objects

I have list of accounts data and i need to convert that into another list(List<A> to List<B>). I have created microflow which loops through the list and inside loop I have create Object(B) activity. This approach is not working.   Please let me know what I am doing wrong?   Thanks     
4 answers

Having an association in your domain model between two entities (Model) doesn’t ensure that a account object has an association to a Bank object (Data).

So: are you sure that the Account objects have a set reference to a Bank? You can test quickly by retrieving a list of accounts in a microflow. Add a breakpoint on the retrieve activity.

When triggering the microflow (use a button) the microflow will break, click step into in the debug window.

In your variables you’ll find a list of Account entity. Open the details of the list and the objects in the list.

Search for the association to the bank entity. if the association is set, then the ID of a bank object will befound. if value is “empty” then the association is empty ;-)



Are you looking for a filter functionality? Check out the list operations

depending on your use case you might also be able to retrieve list b directly from database using xpath?

As Michiel commented; a bit more context and maybe a screenshot would help :)




I have a domain model like above when I tried to show list of accounts in bar chart I am not seeing the account Bank name relationship in chart properties. So i thought to create new non-persistable object with required data and create from List of account object. Let me know if any other way to do this


Have you enabled security? it could be that the current user does not have read access to Bank. 
