Passing string value into microflow on button click

Hi all, Is it possible to pass a string into microflow om button click. For eg : On clicking Add button, i need to pass string  ‘add’ into microflow and on clicking Edit button, need to pass ‘edit into microflow. I have different logic for Add and Edit. Based on the string received I can write the logic inside microflow. I don’t want to create multiple microflows or a new entity for this. Can someone help?   Regards, Megha
2 answers

But if you want to edit an object, you need a input of that object. And thus you can distinct if it is an edit or not.

Also, trying to cover to cases in a single microflow, because you don’t want to have multiple microflows; my advise, create 2 microflows. That will make it a more maintainable app.

Or you have a right case to do it in a single microflow, but can’t distinct that from your question.


Currently this is not possible. You cannot pass a primitive/constant as a parameter when calling a Micoflow/Nanoflow from a page. There is already an idea for that in the idea forum: 
