Check Object Attribute Value Exists

I have a microflow which creates Objects for an entity. The Entity name e.g is order with attributes Year, Calendar Week, Day(Mon.Tue...), Option1 , Option2 Before i commit a new object i want to check if there is already an Object which has same year, calender week , day . For my solution there should be only one order-(object) per day of calender week and year.  
2 answers

Hi Daniel,

Good practise is to check if object exists BEFORE you create a new object.

If you make this in a own microflow you always get the object you need. The existing one or else a new one, which you can use in your calling microflow.


Do an XPath retrieve in microflow. Do the first retrieve on the attribute that discriminates the most. Then filter the list for each option to search on. Quit if the filter turns out empty otherwise just past on the list to the next filter.


